Safe and Secure: Important Tips for Dog Owners Moving Into a New Home

Tips for Dog Owners Moving Into a New Home Image courtesy of Pixabay

Moving into a new place can be a tricky transition for dogs and their owners.  Take steps to ease your furry friend’s stress during the adjustment and to keep him safe.  Here are some terrific tips that will help you both manage the move smoothly.

Preparations.  Change is stressful, and your dog won’t understand the changes that are coming with moving to a new home.  Depending on the circumstances, adjusting a dog to a new home can take anywhere from a couple days to several months.  To help your dog, establish a routine well before the move and maintain it throughout the process.  Dogs thrive on a predictable schedule, and providing that structure will help your pooch.  Also, pack quietly and gradually, ideally over several weeks.  Don’t make a big deal out of it, and try to keep boxes out of the way from areas where your dog spends a lot of time.  Pack your dog’s items last and unpack them first when you move.  

Fencing.  One of the best things you can do is install fencing before moving into your new home.  Since many dogs spend a great deal of time outdoors, an appropriate fence will provide secure boundaries to your pooch and prevent him from wandering.  Good fencing also keeps other animals from venturing into your yard.  A fence can even keep your dog from being hit by a car and can prevent people from stealing your furry friend.  HomeAdvisor notes it costs an average of $2,670 to install or build a fence.

Landscaping.  Inspect the landscaping at your new property before your dog is allowed access to it.  You’ll want to remove any toxic plants or choking hazards, such as fruit pits, rocks, or sticks.  If your new property comes with fencing already installed, check it over for any gaps and address them. 

Moving.  Once your home is ready to move into, you’ll have the chaos of the move to manage.  This will be a stressful time for your pooch.  Keep your dog’s routine and provide a secure place for your dog throughout the event.  IHeartDogs recommends reducing your dog’s stress by keeping him with you.  Remember to have updated identification tags on your dog’s collar.  Sometimes in the comings and goings, dogs slip out, and without proper information, it can be especially difficult to reconnect you with your furry friend.

Introductions.  Unpack your dog’s belongings first at the new home, and when you introduce your dog to the house, show him his things right away.  Allow him to smell those familiar items so he can take comfort in the scents.  Give your dog a tour of the new place, allowing him to absorb the surroundings.  Provide direction if he makes a mistake, like chewing something he shouldn’t or trying to mark in a naughty place, but let him take his time getting to know the property.  When you show your dog the yard, one idea is to present him with a favorite toy to enjoy.  This will help your dog adjust to the yard, associating the area with happy things and feeling more at home.

Interior.  Embrace a mindset of pet-proofing your new home, remembering as you’re unpacking to be conscious of what is within your dog’s realm.  Dogs can get into things like medicines, cleaning supplies, and garbage, so opt to keep hazardous items in rooms that are off-limits to your dog.  Many owners employ child gates to keep dogs out of harm’s way, or you may need to crate your dog during some periods of unpacking. 

Right at home!  With basic preparations, you can ease your dog’s transition into a new home.  Take steps to ensure his safety throughout the process and in the new place.  You and your pup will feel right at home in no time!

Written by:
Cindy Aldridge